October 10, 2024

Automated Emails Can Supercharge Your Business; Here's How

Did you know that people spend just 10 seconds reading emails from brands? After understanding that fact, it's clear why so many emails go unopened and unread; they aren't engaging enough.

Maybe you've made your own email campaigns, and you've been left disappointed with the results.

Maybe you've worked with an email marketing service in the past, but your emails still go unread.

If you're new to email marketing, you may have been leaving money on the table by not implementing one of the most valuable email marketing techniques of all time - automated emails. 

Automated emails are critical to any successful email marketing campaign. In fact, Campaign Monitor states that "automated emails generate 320% more revenue" than manual emails.

Automated emails are valuable, lucrative, and vital to your company's success. However, if you're interested in using email marketing but unsure where to start, Intuition Media has your back! 

Here are three ways that you can supercharge your business using automated emails!

Maximise Your Email's Open Rate with Personalisation

According to Statista, only 13.1% of users open emails that aren't personalised to them. However, 18.8% of users open emails with a personalised message and a generic email header.

This is a significant difference. If you've neglected to ensure that users receive personalised emails, then you're letting sales slip through your fingers.

Email automation allows you to send personalised emails to each user. Since many more people will open emails with personalised messages, mastering email automation can truly take your business to the next level.

However, there's a bit of a learning curve. Although it does take some time to understand how email automation works, the benefits are massive.

Using email automation, you can create emails that will be sent automatically to users as soon as they meet certain criteria.

For example, email automation can enable you to send a personalised email with a discount code to a customer who creates an account on your website.

This is an incredibly effective way of providing value to customers, enticing them to use the discount code, and encouraging them to open your emails in the future.

Furthermore, you can set up more complex automated emails to maximise your ROI; sending personalised emails to customers who have abandoned their cart can be extremely rewarding.

Experian states that customers who receive more than one 'abandoned cart email' were 2.4x more likely to complete their purchase. Email automation is vital to the success of your email marketing campaign, so implement it now to supercharge your business!

Make sure to utilise email automation to personalise your emails and send the right email to the right customer at the right time, and you'll see mind-blowing results!

Incredible Increases in ROI

According to Litmus, one dollar spent on email marketing can result in a return of 36 dollars. 

With how profitable email marketing is, it's no wonder why email marketing is one of the most lucrative marketing channels for most businesses.

However, optimising your emails using email automation can dramatically increase your ROI. 

Litmus is an excellent source of information about email marketing and is especially helpful for identifying ways to improve your email marketing ROI.

They state that running A/B email tests can increase ROI by up to 82%. Furthermore, including dynamic content (such as personalisation) in your emails can double your ROI.

Since personalised emails are much more engaging than generic, one-size-fits-all emails, it makes sense to dedicate time to carefully setting up a series of automated emails that focus on personalisation and user-relevant information.

Keep Your Brand in Their Mind

Finally, email automation empowers you with the ability to keep your brand at the forefront of the user's mind.

The theory is simple; if someone keeps seeing emails for Burger King in their inbox, they will subconsciously have that brand in their mind when they go out to buy a burger.

However, it's not appropriate to spam customers with emails; always ensure that you respect the customer by providing valuable information, discounts, or exclusive products in every email.

Simply spamming customers with 'abandoned cart' emails and generic newsletters isn't likely to excite users - in fact, it's more likely to drive them to unsubscribe from your mailing list entirely.

Ensure that you send emails at an appropriate rate (usually one or two emails per week) and supplement this with automated circumstantial emails such as birthday emails, 'abandoned cart' emails, sign-up bonuses, and exclusive discounts.

Follow these tips, and you're sure to succeed!


Although email automation is daunting, applying it to your email marketing campaigns will maximise your ROI and delight your customers!

However, we recommend working with professionals to avoid making mistakes that could stifle the success of your email marketing campaign.

At Intuition Media, we offer a range of marketing services and we can certainly work with your team to create custom email templates, email automations, and optimise your current setup.

We take the time to create custom email campaigns, manage automated email processes, and optimise your email campaigns from start to finish.

From small businesses to multinational corporations, Intuition Media is the right agency for you!


Book a call with our team today.

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